COVID-19 Instructions for Orthodontic Patients
Below is a resource to help our patients who are in active orthodontic treatment or retention during our mandated closure due to the coronavirus. Remember to check our website and social media pages for updates.
Clear Aligners
(Invisalign & Suresmile)
- Continue to wear and change your aligners as prescribed.
- If you have run out of aligners, do NOT stop wearing them. Switch to nighttime wear (10 hours a day) to hold like a retainer.
- If you lose or break the last aligner, call us ASAP so we can order a replacement.
- Continue using the elastics as prescribed. If you run out let us know so that we can mail you more.
- Brush your teeth and clean your aligners.
- Be careful with eating (no sticky or hard foods) so as not to break any brackets off during this time.
- If you have a poking wire, trim it using a nail clipper or apply wax for temporary relief.
- If you have a bracket that breaks – it is OK! We will fix it at your next appointment. Put wax on it to prevent the bracket from sliding around.
- Brush your teeth and use floss threaders to keep your gums healthy.
(Hawley, Essix, or Bonded)
- Continue to wear your retainers as prescribed. Full time for the first 3 months. Second 3 months 12 hours. Bedtime for lifetime after that.
- If you lose or break your retainer let us know ASAP.
- If you have a bonded retainer that has come off, save it. You can place some wax around any irritating areas.
- Make sure to brush your teeth and keep the retainers clean.
- Finish doing the last prescribed turns and STOP. Do not do any additional turns at this time.
- We will be contacting you shortly to check in and have you send us photos of your bite that we can review remotely for the time being.
- Make sure to brush your teeth and keep the appliance clean.
Twin Blocks
- Continue to wear your appliance full-time as much as possible.
- If you were doing turns on the top piece, STOP currently.
- We will be contacting you shortly to check in & have you send us photos of your bite that we can review remotely.
- If you lose or break the appliance let us know ASAP.
- Make sure to brush your teeth and keep the appliance clean.
Carriere Smile Bars
- Continue to use elastics as prescribed. If you run out let us know so that we can mail you more.
- Keep the lower clear retainer in while wearing your elastics.
- We will be contacting you shortly to check-in and have you send us photos of your bite that we can review remotely for the time being.
- Make sure you continue to brush your teeth and clean your retainer.
At this time, we remain available for emergency visits and virtual consultations.
For more information, please call Evolution Orthodontics at 267-544-0297 or click the button below